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How to Maintain Your Dental Steam Autoclave Sterilizer

How to Maintain Your Dental Steam Autoclave Sterilizer

It's no secret that light affects everyone and everything around us. But light might have a more significant effect on you than you realise. The quality of light that we work under greatly changes energy levels, moods and even our quality of life.

Caring for your dental autoclave for sale is very important and can be easily overlooked. We often see this step neglected which can cause high and frequent repair costs. A lack of maintenance will also lead to deterioration and excessive wear of the contents being sterilized. Let's go over a few points to make caring for your autoclave or steam sterilizer easier for you.

1) It is very important that the contents being sterilized are clean and free from debris, blood and organic tissue. Otherwise the instruments or sterilizer may become damaged. We strongly recommend using an ultrasonic cleaner such as the DuraSonic to help with the cleaning process.
2) Inspect the door gasket for excessive wear or cracking. The gasket and mating surface should be cleaned with a mild detergent such as Spray Nine™ or Fantastik™ using a cloth or sponge.
3) When running a sterilization cycle it is very important to not overload the sterilizer trays because it will cause inadequate sterilization and drying.
4) Always be sure to use a Class 5 Chemical Integrator Test Strip with every cycle for immediate reassurance that the correct parameters have been met to achieve sterilization.

An often overlooked, but crucial element of operatory lighting is flexibility. Having flexible lighting is important for getting different angles well lit and avoiding blinding yourself, your patients or your assistant’s in the process. Operatory lights can be mounted just about anywhere. No matter your preferred style of lighting setups, Dental Depot is here to provide the best dental equipment. From dental chairs to autoclaves to x-ray equipment, we supply and stock all the tools to take your dental practice to the next level!

1) Keeping your autoclave clean is one of the most important points. Be sure to clean the trays and rack with a Non-Scratch Scour Pad using a mild non-abrasive detergent such as Bon Ami™. Always rinse the instrument well and be sure to NOT USE steel wool, wire brush, or bleach.
2) Completely drain the water from the reservoir and replenish with fresh distilled water.
3) It is strongly recommended to perform a biological live spore test weekly or at least monthly to ensure sterilization.

1) Clean the chamber and flush lines using the recommended autoclave cleaner following the cleaner’s instructions. Normally you will need 2 gallons of distilled water to complete this job.
2) Inspect the cord and plug for overheating and excessive wear—this could be a fire hazard. If this is the case, the power cord should be replaced. Some power cords are quick disconnect and easily replaced. If not, the replacement will need to be done by a certified repair company.

An often overlooked, but crucial element of operatory lighting is flexibility. Having flexible lighting is important for getting different angles well lit and avoiding blinding yourself, your patients or your assistant’s in the process.No matter your preferred style of lighting setups, Dental Depot is here to provide the best dental equipment. From dental chairs to autoclaves to x-ray equipment, we supply and stock all the tools to take your dental practice to the next level!

See more:https://www.dentalsalemall.com/